Cordially Stop Cancer Invitation and Envelope

Cordially Stop Cancer

American Cancer Society

Colon cancer is second deadliest form of cancer in the U.S., averaging around 50,000+ deaths a year. But those aren't just numbers, they're our friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers. And we know that if every one of those people get colon screenings we could save as many as lives 45,000. But research shows that patients (and even doctors) don't always like to talk about colonoscopies. So we partnered with the American Cancer Society to help start the conversation. We created the Cordially Stop Cancer website where users to select from sixteen unique cards designs to send to their friends and family inviting them to get a colon screening.

  • Art Director
  • Interactive Designer
  • Card Designer
  • Website
  • Social Ads
  • Card Graphics
Cordially Stop Cancer Homepage - Mobile
Cordially Stop Cancer Homepage - Mobile

Invitation Design

Nearly everyone in the creative department pitched in writing and designing these sixteen cards, each with different themes ranging from wedding invitions surprise birthday party, anniversary, to open house party. While this process was fun and collaborative, we had to work through several design challenges. By having everyone pitch, write, and design cards we ended up with lots of great designs that didn't necessarily go well together.

So I helped create and implement a loose design system of typography, card structure, and compositing process meant to unify the card designs without losing the varied uniqueness of each card. Also, knowing the cards designs would primarily be seen and shared as graphics on small mobile phone screens, we choose to keep any illustration or graphics minimal so that the headline and typography that drove the style and tone of each card and was readable at various scales.

Card Design: Youre invited to a very special birthday colonoscopy.
Card Design: Please join us for the ceremonial union of your colon and our oscopy.
Card Design: Join us to celebrate teh 5th Anniversary of your last colonoscopy.
Card Design: Youre invited to a viewing party of your buttocks.
Card Design: Bon Voyage! Its a going away party for your polyps.
Card Design: Your rectum is cordiallly invited to attend an Open House. Drinks will be served.
Card Design: We wont be having drinner but drinks will be plentiful.
Card Design: Surprise! 45 is the new age for regular colon screenings.
Card Design: Your presence is kindly requested at the formal opening of your butt.
Card Design: RSVP - The favor of a reply is requested from your derriere.
Card Design: RSVP - Please join us for cocktails prior to an intimate reception with your gastroenterologist.
Card Design: You are invited to a private event. Guest list: you, your doctor, and a long flexible instrument
Card Design: Save the Date. You could add 10-15-20 more years to your life.
Card Design: You are cordially invited to the union of your doctor and your derriere.
Card Design: Class of 1995 get together with your arse and your doctor. RSVP ASAP.
Card Design: Your family, primary care provider, and pretty much everyone who loves you requests the honor of your presence at your colonoscopy.
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Cordially Recipient Email

Recieving an Invitation

When a user sends their invitation their recipient gets an email a link to open their invitation as well as any custom message the sender may have chosen to include. The recipient is then taken to a page that reveals the card design, introduces our colon cancer awareness message, and encourages them to share the invitation and then create their own.

Cordially Know the Facts Page

Social Campaign

Given that this campaign was all about sharing, creating a social campaign was a no brainer and all the designs made for excellent social graphics. The campaign was launched during the month of March which is colon cancer awareness month. Because the cards were designed as graphics they made the perfect thing to be shared. We were also able to share cancer facts.

Cordially Stop Cancer Social PostCordially Stop Cancer Social PostCordially Stop Cancer Social PostCordially Stop Cancer Social PostCordially Stop Cancer Social Post
Cordially Stop Cancer Social PostCordially Stop Cancer Social PostCordially Stop Cancer Social PostCordially Stop Cancer Social PostCordially Stop Cancer Social Post
Cordially Stop Cancer Social PostCordially Stop Cancer Social PostCordially Stop Cancer Social PostCordially Stop Cancer Social PostCordially Stop Cancer Social Post
Additional Credits
Creative Director
Stephen Curry
Patton Smith
Cana Grooms
Card Designs
Lewis Creative Team
Amanda Hasenzhal, Hannah Hall
Lewis Communications
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